Homemade Chilled Soy Bean Pudding

Weather is getting hot lately, so, what's your preferred cold food or dessert in your mind for this summer?

I am making Chilled Soy Bean Pudding!  This Soy Bean Pudding of course is not the same with the traditional of soy bean-curd which steps of making are more complicated.  I believes this is the most easiest way of making similar taste of soy bean-curd.

You just need 5 ingredients to make this pudding and about half an hour to prepare before you send them to chill in the fridge for at least 2 to 3 hours.  Then, you will able to taste this soothing pudding during this hot summer.

This recipe is not only suitable for every one at home but also is a great idea to serve at your home party or gathering.  You may just take it plain or serve some fresh fruits like strawberries or easier way, you may just open a can of cocktail mix fruits like what I did!  

100 g soybean powder (I used organic soybean powder)
40 g sugar (I only used 30 g, as I don't like it to be sweet)
40 g creamer (I used coffee-mate powder)
20 g instant jelly powder
100 ml plain water (room temperature)
900 ml water

In a saucepan or pot, mix all ingredients with 100 ml water.

In a separate pot boil 900 ml water and pour in the mixture of soy bean powder.  

Stir well on low heat until smooth but not too boiled.

Prepare a sieve to filter-off those lumps in the mixtures. 

 Repeat this step 3 to 4 times.

Pour mixture into cups, bowls or moulds that you like to serve on.

The above portion of ingredients can fill-up about 10 mini glasses as below.

You may flatten the bubbles on the surface with the back of a spoon.  Leave to cool at room temperature, then transfer them to chill in the fridge.

Remove from fridge.  You may serve it plain.

Or serve with some colorful fruits.
