Stir Fried Eggs with Tomatoes

 I would like to introduce you the Stir Fried Eggs with Tomatoes. This dish requires very few materials and ingredients. It really easy to cook, yet is amazingly delicious. More important, this dish is a staple in China that almost everyone loves it and it's everywhere. It is a mystery to me that it haven't gained its fame in America.

To cook Stir Fried Eggs with Tomatoes, you are gonna need the following items:

3 eggs;
1 tomato;

Salt; Sugar; garlic powder; Light soy source.

And there are some ingredients that are better to have but not necessary:

Green onion;
Rice wine;
Granulated Chicken Flavor Soup Base Mix.

Now let's cook!

1. use egg-beater to make egg liquid in a bowl.

2. Add a small spoon of rice cooking wine and sliced green onion into the egg liquid.

This step can be skipped, but I strongly recommend to include since this helps add incredible flavor to the dish.

3. Heat oil in a wok until it begins to smoke, then slide in the egg liquid, after the liquid is starting to clot, scramble the egg. Remove the cooked egg and set it aside for later use.


4. Chop the tomato roughly into small pieces


5. Heat sufficient oil in the wok again, and wait until it's hot enough, add tomato together with some sugar into the wok and stir fry until you start to see juice coming out.


6. After the tomato is soft and juicy, add the egg. Stir fry for several seconds, then add salt, Garlic powder, Chicken Flavor Soup Base Mix and keep stir fry for another 1-2 minutes.

Finally, it is ready to eat. Enjoy!
