Homemade Apple Jam #SundaySupper

Autumn is always my favorite season of the year, even though I am not living in a country that have four seasons.  It could be I was born during the autumn and that reason for me to  a have special affection with autumn.  Just celebrated my birthday yesterday and this was the first was done in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 

This week the #SundaySupper group is coming up with Autumn Apple Party to welcome the fall season of the year.  Hosted by our team member Cindy from Cindy’s Recipes and Writings.  There are more than 50 wonderful recipes using apple will be shared during this party and this is going to be an exciting one!

This is my first experience that I have do my "assignment" for #SundaySupper on my birthday and I challenge myself to bring Homemade Apple Jam to the party, as I never tried to make them before.   Simon and myself love bread with spread all the time.  Butter and peanut butter were always our normal choice.  There is a day he did mentioned he likes fruits jam too. It's straight away strike on my mind to try it out!

I love any pastry that goes with apple, especially those with cinnamon combination is one of my favorite too.  So, cinnamon will not missed from my jam.  I simmer it with low heat about 30 to 40 minutes.  To my surprise, it only takes me about an hour plus to prepare the whole process.  The result turns out good - looks good, taste good and am sure will make some more soon.  Good news is, after this experience, I will not have to buy fruit jam from the store!


6 medium size of apples (2 will be used to blend juice)
500gm of sugar
2 cinnamon stick
2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 tbsp lemon juice
200ml water
(The above ingredients yield 1 medium size terrine jar as shown in my picture)


1.   Wash, peel, core and dice the apples.  
     (Tips - to avoid the apples to turn black, you may use pinch of salt or a tsp of lemon juice
      to be added in the water to soak the apples.)

2.   Use a blender to blend 2 apples with 200ml water.
3.   In a pot, combine the blended apple juice, sugar and cinnamon sticks and let it cook to

4.   When the syrup is boiling, add in the balance of 4 apples and continue to let the apples to
       simmer with low heat about 30 - 40 minutes until a thick consistency.

5.   Stir occasionally to prevent scorching.
6.   When it's done, add the lemon juice and ground cinnamon and mix it well.  The jam
       should be thick and easily to spread. 

7.   Switch off the heat and let it cool completely
8.   Fill it in a sterilized jar and store it in the fridge.  It will store for a few weeks.

Here’s our Autumn Apple Recipes coming this Sunday, September 23!
