A Key Lime Recipe to Tickle the Taste Buds

One of the most refreshing pies that are especially popular in the summer is the key lime pie. With a refreshing sweet tart taste, this citrusy custard-like dessert is a cooling way to get your sweets in on a hot day. Unlike many other pies, the key lime pie recipe has come out relatively unscathed in terms of the number of variations out there. Yes, there are some differences between one key lime recipe and another, but overall, anyone would recognize this favorite green pie that makes your taste buds want to pucker up.

Differences in the Key Lime Pie Recipe

Everyone who loves key lime pie has a favorite type of crust. Some people prefer the flaky, bakery style crust while others love the graham cracker crust. Overall, the graham cracker holds up well over the period of several days (that is if your pie even lasts that long!) while the flaky bakery crust can get soggy after the first day or two from the filling.

Each key lime pie recipe differs in toppings too and may include a meringue offering or a simple whipped topping. The meringue topping is made from egg whites and sugar and must be baked briefly in the oven so that it can cook and brown. A whipped topping can be added to your pie any time you have a hankering for it during those times when a naked key lime pie just wont do.

Quick and Basic Key Lime Pie Recipe

To make it easy on you, this key lime pie recipe uses a pre-made graham cracker crust that is readily available at grocery stores. In addition, you can use bottled lime juice but it wont taste quite as fresh as squeezing fresh key limes for the juice.


cup fresh lime juice (this could be anywhere from 3 to 6 key limes)
4 egg yolks
4 teaspoons lime zest (using a small grater is a great way to get the zest)
1 can sweetened condensed milk (use a 14 ounce can)
1-9 inch graham cracker crust

In a medium bowl, whisk the lime zest and egg yolks together for about one to two minutes to achieve a light green hue. Next, beat in the condensed milk and then add in the juice and mix again. Allow this key lime mixture to stand at room temperature until thickened.

While the flavors are marrying at room temperature in this easy key lime pie recipe, preheat the oven to 325F. Once the key lime mixture has sufficiently thickened, pour into the graham cracker crust and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes. When the center of the key lime mixture sets but still is wiggly, you can remove the pie from the oven and allow cooling to room temperature.

Once your pie has achieved room temperature, chill it in the refrigerator for several hours. You can serve your pie topped with whipped cream or serve it plain. This basic key lime pie recipe should serve you well no matter what the occasion may be!
