For most people cooking rice seems to be a pretty straightforward process. They open the box and prepare it according to the directions on the back of the box. However, when purchased in large bags, the directions may seem a little confusing about the amount of rice, the amount of water and how long to cook it. Cooking rice so that it is light and fluffy and does not stick together is a pretty simple process without fancy cooking tools or measuring cups.
When cooking rice be prepared for a two-step process that is simple to complete. The pot used to cook in should have a sturdy base to supply an even heat across the bottom of the pan. Remembering that a cup and a half of rice will cook to about three cups, the size of the pot needs to be able to hold the cooked rice and still allow room for the steaming process.
Many people prefer to rinse before cooking rice since many foreign sources use talc in the processing, and rinsing before cooking rice may also help remove some of the extra starch. This can help prevent the rice from sticking together when cooked.
Boil And Steam For Perfect Rice Every Time
Add the amount of rice to the cooking pot that will be needed and set the pot flat on the counter, smoothing out the rice until it is even in the pot. Next, add enough water until it covers the rice with about three-fourths of an inch above the level of rice and turn the heat on high. When cooking rice, just before it reaches a full boil, stir it once to help keep it from sticking.
Continue to let it boil until the water level boils down to the level of the rice and small eruptions begin to form in the surface. Turn the heat down to low and cover the pot to keep the steam inside, cooking rice the rest of way be steaming. Depending on the amount of rice being cooked, it should take about five minutes to cook.
Do not be in a hurry at this point. The rice at the bottom will be soft and fragile while the top of the pile will be somewhat hard. Allow to sit a minimum of five minutes, resisting the urge to stir it. Cooking rice with this method may need up to 30 minutes of rest before serving, but it should be fluffy without sticking together.
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