Steam Pumpkin Cake


3 - eggs
200 gm - sugar
1/2 tsp - salt

160gm - pumpkin (steamed and mashed)
100gm - coconut milk

140gm - corn oil

300gm - flour
2 tsp - double action baking powder
1/2 tsp - sodium bicarbonate

60gm - pumpkin seed

Preheat steamer.
Whip eggs, sugar and salt until creamy.
Whip in the mashed pumpkin and coconut milk until well-blended.
Add in corn oil, mix till well-blended.
Add in sifted flour, double action baking powder and sodium bicarbonate, mix till well-combined.
And lastly, add in pumpkin seed and mix till well-blended.
Pour batter into greased and lined loaf tin.
Steam for 50 minutes.
Remove from steamer and leave it cool before removing it from the tin and serve.
