Hao You Jie lan (Oyster Sauce Chinese broccoli)
Another extremely simple, delicately flavored dish, jie lan, a flowering cabbage, is as common to the Chinese as broccoli is to Westerners, most especially in Southern China, where the vegetable is known as gai lan. The literal translation denotes mustard orchid, but in English, it goes by the name of “Chinese Broccoli” and “Chinese Kale.” In standard Chinese American restaurants, it is seldom on the (English) menu, yet, as prepared in this recipe, it is a fixture in dim sum restaurants all over the world. Like most traditional preparations of Chinese vegetables, jie lan is also singularly nutritious, being lightly cooked and seasoned. It is visually appealing as well. In fact, the lush green color of jie lanis one of its most striking attributes. Note that the addition of baking soda to the boiling water, which inhibits the breakdown of chlorophyll, will maintain and even enhance the vegetable’s appearance.
- 1 Lb Jie lan or Gai lan (Chinese Cabbage)
- Oyster Sauce for garnish
- Peanut Oil for garnish
- 1 tsp baking soda
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